
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Online access settings 1

In Loan Performer online access is about the web portal which allows subscribed clients to consult at any time their accounts statements, loan ledger cards, time deposit statements, and reports on shares. It also allows a client to make a loan application online.


1. Installation & Configuration of the IIS server

2. Put your database on a web server in order to use the LPF web portal.

3. The web portal uses the Loan Performer API (FoxPro) and therefore must be hosted on the server where the database is hosted. The dlls are found in the Dotnetplugin folder in the installation directory of the Loan Performer software i.e. "C:\LPF817\DotnetPlugin\WebPortal".

4. The web portal has to be configured in windows IIS of the server and the setup is similar to that of the web service for WAN. You must have a valid license to use this feature. Contact CCS for more information.

How to configure online access settings

To access this window go to System/Configuration/Online access settings, the following screen appears:

After you have configured the online access settings, go to Clients/Customer Web Portal to subscribe or unsubscribe your clients to the web portal.


The micro-finance institution has to provide the web address to their clients to login into the web portal as well as username and password. Web portal access can be enabled from within Loan Performer under the menu Client/Web portal/Manage online access and can be set per client. When you select the client whom you wish to give online access to the Loan Performer Web portal, the system automatically generates the login ID and the password. By default, the password is *-nom d'utilisateur-# but you have to change it at first login. All this information will be sent to the client by email.

Access to the Loan Performer database is going to be extended from a single desktop application to the Web Application (For loans and savings officers of microfinance institutions while away in the field), to the Customer Web Portal (For clients of the microfinance institution), to the API (For third party applications) and to ATM Machines.

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